Liam “captain” Snowdon is a Somatic Sex Educator, Anti-Violence Worker, and poet. Captain is the founder of SPARC (The Sex Positive Art and Recreation Centre) on the occupied territories of the Lekwungen people colonially know as Victoria, BC. Captain is a former Assistant Professor at the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco and current faculty with The Institute for Sexual Education and Enlightenment. They have spent the last 10 years co-teaching both of North America’s Somatic Sex Educator Trainings (Sexological Bodywork Training). They hold a Master’s degree in Public Health in Human Sexuality and a Doctorate in Human Sexuality. Some of their dream jobs they have had over the years are peer counsellor, queer youth project facilitator, street outreach worker, needle exchange and harm reduction worker, gay men’s health co-ordinator and they were also a server in a high end cafeteria wearing a cream and gold tuxedo and a gold banana clip. Their work has been with communities, families, couples, and individuals and extensively with folks in non-traditional arrangements for the last 20+ years.